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How might a community's approach to homelessness reflect its values, and what would you suggest as an ideal solution for all parties involved?


In your opinion, should comfort and personal preference play a role in whether people without homes can use public spaces for encampment?


What's the importance of having a personal space to you, and how does that influence your view on individuals seeking such space in public areas?


Why do you think someone might choose the insecurity of the streets over the security of a shelter, and what does that decision reveal about shelter systems?


How can society balance compassion for those without homes with the interests of the community at large, especially regarding public property usage?


What responsibilities do we have to ensure the safety and dignity of all individuals in our neighborhoods, including those who prefer to stay on public land?


Imagine being given housing options that didn't meet your needs; how would you want communities to support you in a way that respected your choices?


Reflect on a time you felt out of place; how would you feel if you were asked to move just because you were trying to find a resting space?


If you had no home and didn't feel safe at available shelters, where would you go, and why might public property seem like the only option?


How might your perception of public spaces change if you saw someone sleeping there, and what does that say about society's collective space?

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y

Yes, and create more social programs to provide free food, clothing, and medicine

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3yrs3Y