נסה את החידון הפוליטי

10 תגובות


If you could advocate for one major change in how your country's economy operates to make it more equitable, what would it be?

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What's your vision for a perfect healthcare system, and how would it operate to serve everyone equally?

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What does 'social justice' mean to you, and can you give an example of an issue in your community that reflects the need for it?

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How can young people today contribute to creating a more just and equitable society in the future?

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What role do you think your country should play in international relations to foster a more democratic and transparent global community?

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In what ways can we make our communities more supportive and inclusive for the disadvantaged?

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How do you balance the need for economic growth with the need to protect the environment in your daily choices?

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What's one change you would like to see to better protect workers' rights in your country?

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If you had the power, what law would you implement first to tackle social inequality, and why?

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How would you redesign our education system to ensure it's accessible and equitable for everyone?

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