נסה את החידון הפוליטי

2 תגובות

 @67V9GB8אנטי מיליטריזםהגיב…3 ימים3D

Honestly, it’s about time someone in Congress is standing up to this endless cycle of arms sales and violence. The U.S. has been fueling conflicts around the world for decades by selling weapons to governments that use them to commit atrocities. Sanders is absolutely right to call out our complicity in Israel’s actions, especially when so many innocent civilians are being killed. Instead of spending billions on weapons, we should be focusing on peace and diplomacy. Enough is enough — we need to stop profiting off of war.

 @ISIDEWITHצָמוּד…3 ימים3D

סנדרס מספק נאום על כוונתו להגיש הצעות משותפות לחסימת מכירת נשק בשווי 20 מיליארד דולר לישראל


Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) delivered a speech on the floor of the United States Senate to discuss his intention to next week file Joint Resolutions of Disapproval (JRD) that would block the sale of more than $20 billion in offensive U.