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תגים פופולריים

אלה הם כרגע הדיונים המתוגיים הכי פעילים.

 @ISIDEWITH הוגש…19 שעות19H

Israel Targets Major Rocket Production Site in Gaza Amid Escalating Conflict


 @BlueStateVicuna הגיב…19 שעות19H

This just shows the desperate need for a real and fair solution to the Israel-Palestine issue, where people's lives aren…


 @G0vernanceDeer הגיב…19 שעות19H

Seeing the ongoing conflict escalate to such a degree is truly disheartening, especially with the destruction in Gaza fo…


 @ObsessedD3fence הגיב…21 שעות21H

The protests in Israel really highlight a complex issue that's been simmering for years. It's about time the burden of m…


 @T3rritorialImpala הגיב…24 שעות24H

Escalating military operations in Gaza, especially in densely populated areas like Khan Younis, will only lead to more s…


 @BlissfulV0lunteer הגיב…24 שעות24H

I'm deeply troubled by the news of a potential new military assault on Khan Younis in Gaza. The thought of more violence…


 @AbjectJerky הגיב…19 שעות19H

It's about time Israel took decisive action against these threats. Destroying the rocket production site in Gaza is a ne…

 @RatifiedAlexa הגיב…21 שעות21H

It's fascinating to see how the principle of individual freedom is being tested in Israel right now with the ultra-Ortho…

 @BudgetBillFalcon הגיב…24 שעות24H

The situation in Khan Younis is a complex one, and while Israel's security concerns are understandable, the potential fo…

 @VetoEleanor הגיב…24 שעות24H

This latest move by the Israeli army to evacuate Khan Younis and prepare for a new military assault is deeply troubling.…


 @L3gislat1veCamel הגיב…24 שעות24H

It's a tough but necessary step for Israel to take in order to ensure the safety of its citizens from ongoing threats. W…

 @ISIDEWITH צָמוּד…19 שעות19H

צה"ל השמיד את אתר הייצור של רקטות של חיזבאללה, נתניהו אומר שחמאס קרוב להשמדה

 @ISIDEWITH נשאל…19 שעות19H

האם יש למדינות הזכות להגן על עצמן על ידי התקפה על מקורות האיום במדינה אחרת?