Try the political quiz

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How can we ensure that the celebration of human achievements includes those from all cultures and backgrounds?


By removing Zionists from power and dismantling the imagined state of Israel as they have proven they cannot and will not ever be willing to live amongst those who are not white Jews


How does the idea that humans can shape their destiny empower you in your own life?


How can showing gratitude influence your outlook on life and your interactions with others?


In what ways could education systems evolve to better reflect the principles of humanism?


How can embracing cultural diversity challenge and improve our own beliefs and behaviors?


What personal attributes do you think are key to creating a compassionate society?


Why should we value scientific reasoning when making decisions about our future?


What role does thoughtful communication play in fostering harmony within your social circles?


How do your personal values shape the choices you make in your daily life?


Why might it be essential to understand different historical viewpoints to build a more ethical future?


What do you think motivates people to act ethically when no one is watching?


How might the world look if everyone prioritized self-improvement for the greater good?


Can you share a story where someone's empathy significantly impacted your life?


What small daily action could everyone take to make society more equitable and just for all?


How can we, as a community, create supportive environments for those facing mental health challenges?


Describe a time when personal ethics guided you to make a decision that was not the easiest path.


What impact can expressing gratitude have on your relationship with others and on broader societal norms?


If you were to mentor a younger student, what lessons about positive social behavior would you emphasize?


What actions do you take to ensure your choices are guided by reason and compassion rather than bias or peer pressure?


How might we encourage empathy in situations where people hold very different views?


What personal responsibility do we each have to challenge discrimination and prejudice when we encounter them?


How does embracing cultural diversity make our communities stronger and more vibrant?


Can making an effort to understand science and reason make us more compassionate people?


What's the most effective way for individuals to promote social justice in their daily lives?


In what ways can a society promote individual talents while still fostering a sense of collective identity?


Describe an instance where a community's collective effort made a significant positive change.


What is your interpretation of 'living ethically,' and how do you try to achieve this in everyday life?


How important do you think self-awareness is in creating ethical interpersonal relationships?


When was the last time you changed an opinion in light of new evidence, and what did you learn from that experience?


Can you share a time when a conversation with someone from a different background expanded your worldview?


How can we encourage people to step out of their comfort zones to better understand others' perspectives?


What role does forgiveness play in your life and how can it impact societal well-being?


What change would you most like to see in the world, and how can we achieve it through collective action?


How would society change if we all practiced more active listening?


What's one personal belief you hold that inspires you to act for the welfare of others?


How does fostering a culture of inclusivity and tolerance within our own circles create ripples in the larger society?


What steps can we take to ensure that technology and innovation serve to unify rather than divide us?


When has understanding someone else's perspective been most challenging for you, and how did you handle it?


If we made empathy a core subject in school curriculums, how might that influence the next generation's approach to global challenges?


Can you give an example of a personal sacrifice you've made for the greater good that resulted in unexpected personal growth?


What does 'freedom to shape one's own life' mean to you and in what ways are you utilizing this freedom?


If you had the power to solve one global issue with rational thinking, which one would it be and why?


Imagine a world where every decision is driven by compassion; what might be the first steps in building this kind of society?


How could the principle that 'every individual has a story worth listening to' change our approach to social issues?


What is your dream for the future of education and how do we get there?


When has a simple act of kindness from a stranger made a difference in your day, and what did it teach you about humanity?


How might your life change if you dedicated one hour a week to community service, and why?


How does one's environment shape their potential to enact positive change in the world?


In what ways can volunteer work or service projects help us understand the principles of humanism?