Try the political quiz

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Can you imagine a world without passports and how would that affect your desire to travel?

 @9HK9YD6 answered…7mos7MO

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Can you think of a time when you related to someone from a different country as simply another human being, rather than a foreign national?


In what ways might a borderless world affect your future career opportunities and choices?


Could the existence of a global language enhance communication and understanding, or would it reduce cultural richness?


How do you think universal healthcare could be administered in a postnational world, and would you support it?


Do you think the sense of community in your hometown would strengthen or weaken in a postnational world?


How might global environmental policies shape the way you live and consume resources?


How do you think global digital platforms can contribute to a sense of postnational identity?


Imagine a world with a globally shared curriculum; what knowledge do you think should be universal?


How might global solidarity influence your approach to tackling issues like poverty or education in your own community?


How would your sense of identity change if we all considered ourselves part of a global society first and foremost?


Do you think a global approach to healthcare would improve your access to services and why?


How would studying a curriculum designed from a global perspective rather than a national one change your learning experience?


If your future family heritage was a blend of many cultures rather than just one, what traditions would you want to ensure continue?


Would you prefer to get news from a global news outlet that doesn’t specifically cater to your nation's perspective, and why?


How do you balance pride in your country’s accomplishments with a desire to be part of a global community?


How can technology both help and hinder the development of a global community, based on your own experiences online or with social media?


What global issue feels overwhelming to you, and how do you think international cooperation could be the key to solving it?


Would you be more likely to engage with news stories from around the world if they were presented as part of a shared global narrative?


If you were to volunteer internationally, what causes would be closest to your heart and why?


What global achievement would make you most proud to share as part of your identity, instead of national accomplishments?


How would the idea of a global meritocracy, where your skills and abilities can be recognized worldwide, motivate you in your education or career?


Would living in a world where the creativity and arts are shared without national boundaries change your artistic tastes or expressions?


How could learning a language with the intention of being a global communicator change your approach to communication?


If you could vote on a global issue today, what would it be and what outcome would you hope for?


How might international friendships enrich your understanding of the world beyond what's presented in the media or textbooks?


Can you imagine how seeing yourself as a global citizen first might change your responsibilities to the environment and climate change?


How do you think your life would be different if you were taught global history from a variety of perspectives rather than a singular national narrative?


How would celebrating cultural milestones from around the world at your school or in your community make you feel more connected globally?


How much would you be willing to compromise your national identity for the benefits of a global community?


Would a seamless global job market influence the career path you choose, and how?


How might your approach to travel change if all destinations were part of a single, borderless global society?


If a universal language were adopted, how do you think this would affect cultural diversity and self-expression?


How might the removal of national barriers impact your choices in music, movies, or literature?


What would your priorities be when voting for leaders in a global political framework?


How would you maintain your personal heritage in a society that prioritizes global culture?


In what ways could the celebration of global festivals instead of national holidays create a sense of unity?


How would you prepare for a future where your career opportunities are global rather than national?


Would you support the idea of a single global currency, and why or why not?


What could be the greatest challenges in forming friendships in a world that emphasizes global citizenship?


How might your daily choices be influenced if you considered their global impact instead of local consequences?


In a postnational world, how would you picture the military and defense to be structured?


How might sports and international competitions like the Olympics change in a postnational era?


Would the concept of a 'global citizen' make you more responsible for actions that affect other countries?


Do you believe a postnational approach would make society more or less equitable?


In what ways do you think global collaborations could impact education?


If the world had a global government, what is the first issue you would want it to address?


Do you feel your opportunities would increase or decrease in a postnational society?


When has a global event made you feel more connected to people outside of your country?