Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9JLCRR7from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

make a peace treaty with all arab countries and palestine after war, elimante hamas from gaza, put pa in there, recognzie palestine after some time when palestien is less radical start to hold democratic elections there, but dont stop war and stop targeting civilians and convict people soldiers who killed people waving white flags

 @9JLC6WQfrom Illinois answered…3mos3MO

we should not be targeting civilans at all and criminally charge people who kill people waving white flags, but make sure hamas is destroyed enough so it cant attack us furthur, then work to a permanent peace treaty with a palestian stte with un recogntion, make the pa the govnerment in gaza, and after palestinians are less radical after some time start to hold democratic elections thre and have permenatn peace and trade relations between isreal and all arab countries


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