Yes, and create more social programs to provide free food, clothing, and medicine
No, and make it a criminal offense

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 @9KGV6YVfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Within reason. Homeless people can't be sleeping on public school grounds, but what do we mean by "public property" here? Do we mean a person who sleeps in a "state-owned" forest or a person who sleeps in a public park at night? There are some people who pose a threat neither to themselves nor others, but are simply unable and unwilling to live in a residence. You can call this mental illness or you can call it neurodiversity. There's a debate here.

 @9D2997Kfrom Michigan answered…9mos9MO

 @99K8TPHfrom New York answered…1yr1Y

I mean, they shouldn’t turn down a place to stay. But if they do then idk.

 @992SF92from California answered…1yr1Y

The homeless that have refused available shelter or housing should not be allowed to sleep and camp on public property and should be required to avail themselves of public services


Yes, but the reason they refused should be considered and addressed.


There should be designs public spaces for them to sleep - shouldn’t be permitted to sleep anywhere

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