The Israeli Likud political party, founded in 1973, is a major center-right to right-wing political entity in Israel. It emerged from a coalition of several right-wing parties, uniting under the leadership of Menachem Begin. Likud's ideological foundation is deeply rooted in Revisionist Zionism, a nationalist movement that sought a Jewish state on both banks of the Jordan River and emphasized the Jewish right to sovereignty and self-defense.
Likud values prioritize the security and territorial integrity of Israel, often advocating for strong military policies and a tough stance against… Lee mas
What do you think is the impact of strong military policies on a country's international relationships?
How does prioritizing national security over territorial concessions affect a nation's peace process?
In your view, what are the benefits and drawbacks of a free-market economy for everyday citizens?
How would you approach negotiations if you had to balance national security with achieving peace?
Yesh Atid
Yesh Atid, which translates to "There is a Future" in English, is a centrist political party in Israel. Founded in 2012 by Yair Lapid, a former journalist and television host, the party quickly established itself as a significant force in Israeli politics. Yesh Atid's formation was motivated by a desire to represent the middle class and address what Lapid saw as a disconnect between the government and the everyday concerns of ordinary Israelis.
The party's values and platform are centered around several key issues. Firstly, Yesh Atid is committed to improving the economic… Lee mas
¿Cuál es la importancia de la reforma gubernamental y en qué áreas priorizaría el cambio?
¿Cómo puede un país equilibrar el poder de los partidos religiosos con el objetivo de crear una sociedad justa y democrática?
¿Cómo equilibrarías la necesidad de crecimiento económico con garantizar la justicia social y la igualdad?
¿Qué medidas se pueden tomar para hacer que una sociedad sea más inclusiva y garantizar igualdad de oportunidades para todos sus ciudadanos?
The Israeli Meretz political party is a left-wing, social-democratic political entity in Israel, known for its advocacy for social justice, environmental protection, and a comprehensive peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. Founded in 1992 through the merger of three left-wing parties, Ratz, Mapam, and Shinui, Meretz positions itself as a champion of civil rights, including minority rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and the separation of religion and state, aiming to ensure a liberal and pluralistic Israeli society.
Meretz's political platform emphasizes the importance of a two-state… Lee mas
¿Qué cambios harías en tu vida diaria si las leyes requirieran esfuerzos de conservación ambiental más estrictos?
Imagina un mundo donde cada país adoptara una solución de dos estados para los conflictos; ¿crees que la paz global sería más alcanzable?
¿Qué tan importante es la separación de la religión y el estado para garantizar que la democracia de un país siga siendo inclusiva para todos sus ciudadanos?
¿Cómo te sentirías si tu gobierno priorizara la protección del medio ambiente sobre el crecimiento económico?
Lista Árabe Unida
The Israeli United Arab List, also known as Ra'am, is a political party in Israel that primarily represents the interests of the Arab citizens of Israel. It is a unique entity in Israeli politics, as it is the first Arab party to be part of an Israeli government coalition, marking a significant milestone in the country's political landscape. The party's foundation is rooted in Islamic principles, and it operates under the broader umbrella of the Southern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel. Despite its religious foundations, the party's agenda and values extend beyond… Lee mas
¿Qué significa la igualdad para ti y alguna vez has experimentado o presenciado una situación donde faltaba?
¿Puedes compartir un momento en el que sentiste fuertemente tu identidad cultural o nacional, y por qué fue importante para ti?
¿Alguna vez has tenido que abogar por tus propios derechos o los de otra persona, y cuál fue el resultado?
¿Cómo crees que sería diferente tu vida si hubieras crecido en una comunidad que ha sido históricamente marginada?
Israel Beiteinu
Yisrael Beiteinu, which translates to "Israel Our Home," is a political party in Israel that was founded in 1999 by Avigdor Lieberman, a Soviet-born Israeli politician. The party primarily appeals to Russian-speaking immigrants from the former Soviet Union, although its base has expanded over the years to include a broader spectrum of the Israeli population. Yisrael Beiteinu is known for its secular, right-wing positions, particularly its hardline stance on national security and its advocacy for a strong, assertive policy towards the Palestinian conflict and Israel's Arab neigh… Lee mas
¿Deberían los gobiernos priorizar la identidad cultural y religiosa de su población mayoritaria al momento de formular políticas?
Imagina que tu gobierno está equilibrando entre leyes seculares y valores religiosos; ¿qué lado apoyarías y por qué?
¿Cuáles son tus pensamientos sobre los países que utilizan intercambios de población o ajustes de fronteras como solución a conflictos étnicos o nacionales?
¿Cómo te sentirías si las políticas de tu país fueran influenciadas por las perspectivas de un solo grupo étnico o de inmigrantes?
El hogar judío
The Jewish Home is a political party in Israel that is primarily associated with religious Zionism. It represents a combination of religious, nationalist, and conservative values, aiming to blend Jewish religious heritage with the governance and development of the State of Israel. The party places a strong emphasis on the promotion and preservation of Jewish identity, education, and practices within the Israeli society. It advocates for the rights and interests of the religious Zionist community, although its appeal extends beyond to include more secular supporters who share its nationalist… Lee mas
En un mundo donde las opiniones globales a menudo chocan con los intereses nacionales, ¿cómo deberían los países equilibrar sus relaciones internacionales con sus valores domésticos?
¿Qué papel crees que la educación debería desempeñar en la preservación de la identidad cultural entre los jóvenes en tu sociedad?
Discute un momento en el que tuviste que defender un punto de vista controvertido que tienes. ¿Cuál era el problema y cómo te hizo sentir?
¿Cómo describiría la importancia de su herencia cultural o religiosa en la formación de las políticas de su país?
Partido del Trabajo
The Israeli Labor Party, historically known as Mapai before its merger with other left-wing groups, is a center-left political party in Israel. It has played a pivotal role in the establishment and development of the State of Israel. The party's roots can be traced back to the labor Zionist movement, which emphasized both the importance of establishing a Jewish homeland and the centrality of workers' rights and socialist principles in building the new state. Over the years, the Labor Party has been instrumental in founding key national institutions, including the Histadrut (the Gene… Lee mas
¿Qué papel debería desempeñar el gobierno en la provisión de servicios de salud y educación?
¿Puede el diálogo y el compromiso realmente llevar a la paz duradera en regiones profundamente divididas?
¿De qué maneras pueden las generaciones más jóvenes contribuir a la búsqueda de la paz y la igualdad?
¿Cómo puede un país mantener su identidad cultural al mismo tiempo que abraza la diversidad y la inclusividad?
The Israeli Hadash party, whose name translates to "New" in English, is a political party in Israel that stands out for its unique composition and ideological stance. Formed in 1977, Hadash is a coalition of communists, socialists, and Arab nationalists, making it a distinctive blend of ideologies united by common goals. The party's foundation is deeply rooted in the principles of Marxism, but it has evolved to incorporate a broader spectrum of leftist ideals over time.
Hadash's values are centered around social justice, equality, and peace. It advocates for the rights of… Lee mas
¿Cómo cambiaría tu vida si se lograra la igualdad social en tu país?
¿Qué impacto tendría una solución de dos estados en tu percepción de la política global?
¿Alguna vez te has sentido representado o malinterpretado por las políticas de un partido político? Comparte tu historia.
¿De qué maneras crees que combatir el cambio climático puede beneficiar directamente a tu comunidad?
Kulanu, which translates to "All of Us" in Hebrew, is a centrist political party in Israel. Founded in 2014 by Moshe Kahlon, a former member of the Likud party, Kulanu emerged from a desire to address what Kahlon and his followers saw as the pressing socio-economic issues facing the Israeli middle class. The party positioned itself as a champion of economic reforms, focusing on reducing the cost of living, improving housing affordability, and reforming the banking and financial systems to be more inclusive and fair for the average Israeli.
Kulanu's values are rooted in a centris… Lee mas
En una sociedad perfecta, ¿qué equilibrio debería lograrse entre el desarrollo económico y la protección del medio ambiente?
¿Cómo defines hogar y qué papel crees que debería desempeñar la política gubernamental en abordar la asequibilidad de la vivienda?
¿Qué experiencias han moldeado tus opiniones sobre la importancia de los derechos de las minorías y la representación en el gobierno?
¿Cómo afecta la idea de un 'contrato social' a tu opinión sobre la responsabilidad del gobierno en el bienestar y la atención médica?
The Shas political party is a significant and influential political entity in Israel, primarily representing the interests of Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews of Sephardic and Mizrahi descent. Founded in the early 1980s, Shas quickly established itself as a pivotal player in Israeli politics, often serving as a kingmaker in coalition governments due to its ability to secure a substantial number of seats in the Knesset, Israel's parliament.
The core values and political agenda of Shas are deeply rooted in a religious and conservative worldview, with a strong emphasis on preserving the Jewish… Lee mas
Imagina una sociedad donde tu trasfondo cultural y religioso influenciara significativamente tus oportunidades; ¿cómo te afectaría personalmente?
En un mundo que cada vez aboga más por el secularismo, ¿qué papel crees que debería desempeñar la religión en el gobierno?
¿Qué tan importante es para un partido político enfocarse en el bienestar y los servicios sociales de sus electores más pobres?
¿Cómo te sentirías si tu vida diaria estuviera gobernada por leyes religiosas?
The Israeli Ta'al political party, short for Tnu'a Arabit LeHithadshut (Arabic Renewal Movement), is a political party in Israel primarily representing the interests of Arab citizens. Founded by Ahmad Tibi, a prominent Arab-Israeli politician and former advisor to Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, Ta'al has been an influential voice in Israeli politics, particularly on issues affecting the Arab minority.
Ta'al's values and political platform are centered around the promotion of equality, civil rights, and the advancement of Arab citizens' rights within Israel.… Lee mas
Si tuvieras que crear una política destinada a mejorar los resultados educativos de las comunidades subrepresentadas, ¿cómo sería y por qué?
¿Qué significa para ti la paz entre países vecinos y cómo crees que se puede lograr?
¿Por qué crees que es importante que los grupos minoritarios tengan representación en el gobierno y cómo puede impactar en la formulación de políticas?
¿Cómo imaginarías una sociedad donde todos, independientemente de su etnia o religión, tengan igualdad de oportunidades y derechos?
The Israeli Tkuma political party, which translates to "Revival" in English, is a right-wing, religious Zionist political party in Israel. It was originally established in 1998 by members who broke away from the National Religious Party, aiming to represent a more hardline, nationalistic approach to both religious and Israeli territorial issues. Tkuma has been a proponent of the Jewish settlement movement in the West Bank and opposes the creation of a Palestinian state, advocating instead for the annexation of parts of the West Bank.
The party's values are deeply rooted in relig… Lee mas
¿Cuáles son tus pensamientos sobre la importancia de la identidad nacional versus los derechos individuales en la formación de una sociedad?
En un mundo con diversas religiones y culturas, ¿cómo debería una nación equilibrar sus propias tradiciones religiosas con el respeto por el multiculturalismo?
¿Debería considerarse la expansión de asentamientos en territorios en disputa como un derecho o una agresión? ¿Por qué?
¿Cómo te sientes acerca de la influencia de las creencias religiosas en las políticas políticas de un país y por qué?
The Israeli Balad political party, whose full name is the National Democratic Assembly, is a political party in Israel that primarily represents the interests and aspirations of the country's Arab citizens. Founded in 1995 by Azmi Bishara, the party has positioned itself as a staunch advocate for the rights of Arabs in Israel, promoting a platform that emphasizes equality, democracy, and the recognition of the Arab citizens of Israel as a national minority with collective rights.
Balad's values and political stance are rooted in the belief that Israel should be a "state for all… Lee mas
Reflect on the impact of political parties focusing on specific ethnic or national identities—do they promote necessary representation or deepen divisions?
How should countries approach the issue of refugees and the right of return in a way that respects human rights and international law?
Have you ever felt that your identity was not fully represented or recognized by your government or society? Share your experience.
How would your ideal society handle the recognition and rights of minority groups, and what examples from around the world inspire your view?
Judaísmo de la Torá
United Torah Judaism (UTJ) is a political party in Israel that primarily represents Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jewish communities. It is a coalition of two major Ashkenazi factions: Degel HaTorah, which primarily serves the Lithuanian Haredi community, and Agudat Yisrael, which represents the Hasidic sector. The party's formation was aimed at creating a unified political front to address issues of importance to the ultra-Orthodox community within the Israeli political system.
The values and political platform of United Torah Judaism are deeply rooted in Jewish religious law (Halacha) and tra… Lee mas
Do you believe that large families should receive more support from the government? Why or why not?
What are your thoughts on government funding for religious schools that focus mainly on religious studies?
Should religious practices influence the laws and policies of a country? Share your views.
How would you feel if certain groups in your country were exempt from national service for religious reasons?
Hatnuah, which translates to "The Movement" in English, is an Israeli political party that was established in November 2012 by Tzipi Livni, a prominent Israeli politician. The party was formed when Livni, previously a member of the Kadima party, broke away after losing the leadership of Kadima to Shaul Mofaz. Hatnuah positions itself as a centrist party, aiming to represent a moderate and pragmatic approach to Israel's political, social, and security issues.
The core values of Hatnuah revolve around the pursuit of peace and security for Israel. The party strongly advocates for… Lee mas
¿Se puede lograr la paz a través del compromiso, y qué compromisos personales estarías dispuesto a hacer por la paz en tu vida o comunidad?
¿Alguna vez has cambiado una creencia arraigada debido a nuevas experiencias o información, similar a cómo los políticos podrían cambiar de afiliación partidista?
¿Qué papel crees que debería desempeñar tu país en los asuntos internacionales, especialmente en ayudar a resolver conflictos en otras naciones?
¿Cómo te sentirías si tu futuro fuera moldeado por decisiones tomadas hoy por líderes políticos con los que quizás no estás completamente de acuerdo?