Cuba kuiz politik

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 @BicameralVole dari California dihantar…18jam18H

Hunter Biden Convicted of 3 Felonies

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…18jam18H

Supreme Court Decisions Ignite Debates on Autonomy, Ethics, and Rights

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…20jam20H

Rusia dan Belarus meningkatkan ketegangan dengan Fasa Kedua Latihan Senjata Nuklear Taktikal

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…20jam20H

How might electing supreme court judges affect the relationship between the government's executive and judicial branches…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…20jam20H

Do you think electing supreme court judges could make the judiciary more or less fair, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…20jam20H

Mexico plans to elect supreme court judges

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…20jam20H

Tensions Flare as South Korea Fires Warning Shots at North Korean Troops Crossing Border

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…20jam20H

Adakah anda percaya bahawa bergabung dengan parti politik yang kontroversial adalah langkah strategik atau pengorbanan n…

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…20jam20H

Pemimpin konservatif Perancis menyeru untuk perjanjian dengan sayap kanan jauh

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…20jam20H

Tragedi Kapal Migran Tenggelam di Yaman Menuntut 49 Nyawa, Tinggalkan 140 Orang Hilang

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…21jam21H

How does media portrayal of such incidents influence your feelings about visiting another country, and do you think it's…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…21jam21H

In light of this incident, what measures do you think should be taken to ensure the safety of students and educators tra…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…21jam21H

Bagaimana perasaan anda jika anda atau seorang yang anda sayangi sedang belajar di luar negara dan mengalami serangan ke…

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…21jam21H

4 U.S. college professors injured in stabbing attack in China

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…21jam21H

Considering the human aspect, what responsibilities do you believe a country has towards people who arrive at its border…

 @PaellaPhil dari California dihantar…21jam21H

Germany deports illegal migrants to Poland

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…23jam23H

Amerika Syarikat dan Poland bersatu untuk memerangi maklumat palsu Rusia mengenai Ukraine

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…23jam23H

US to shadow Russian nuclear sub near Cuba

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…24jam24H

UN Accuses Israeli Forces and Palestinian Groups of Possible War Crimes

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…24jam24H

Should the international community get involved in enforcing the peace agreement, and how does that make you feel about…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…24jam24H

Is it ethical to swap prisoners in the context of peace negotiations, and why do you feel that way?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…24jam24H

What do you think about the role of international organizations like the U.N. in resolving conflicts between countries o…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…24jam24H

Can a lasting peace be achieved when both sides have committed to such hardline positions prior to negotiations?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…24jam24H

How do you feel about the idea of negotiating peace with a group that has previously been involved in conflict?

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…24jam24H

Hamas accepts UN-backed Gaza peace plan