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Maatschappelijke organisaties roepen op tot vrijlating van top Egyptische activist

Egyptian-British software developer and blogger Abd el-Fattah had hoped to be freed on Sunday, when he will have been imprisoned for five years since his latest detention in 2019. In 2021 he was sentenced to five years in prison on charges of spreading false news after sharing a social media post,


Familie dringt er bij de Britse regering op aan om de vrijlating van de Egyptische dissident veilig te stellen.

The family of jailed British-Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel Fattah urged the UK government on Thursday to act to ensure his release in three days' time, when he will have served a full five years in custody.


Familie- en mensenrechtenorganisaties dringen er bij Egypte op aan om de gevangen activist vrij te laten nu zijn 5-jarige straf afloopt.

Rights groups and the family of Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel-Fattah have urged authorities to release him as his five-year prison sentence ends week