Skúste politický kvíz

25 Odpovede

 @OwlAmelia z Massachusetts predložené…2mos2MO

Republikáni prepukli do otvorenej vojny kvôli hlasovaniu o balíku pomoci Ukrajine

Republican divisions over military support for Ukraine were long simmering. Now, before Saturday’s extraordinary vote in Congress on a foreign aid package, they have erupted into open warfare – a conflict that the vote itself is unlikely to contain.

Mike Johnson, the speaker of the House of Representatives, triggered an all-out split in his own party’s ranks last week by finally agreeing, after months of stalling, to a floor vote on the $95bn foreign aid programme. Passed by the Senate in February, it contained about $60bn for Ukraine, $14bn for Israel, and a smaller amount…  Čítaj viac

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Aké osobné hodnoty alebo presvedčenia ovplyvňujú váš postoj k tomu, ako by mal národ reagovať na žiadosti o vojenskú alebo finančnú pomoc od krajín, ktoré čelia agresii zo strany silnejších susedov?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Ako interpretujete konflikt medzi uprednostňovaním národných záujmov a reakciou na medzinárodné krízy na základe diskusie v rámci Republikánskej strany o pomoci Ukrajine?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Vzhľadom na rozdielne názory v rámci jednej politickej strany na podporu Ukrajiny, čo vám to hovorí o povahe politickej lojality a ideologickej konzistentnosti?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Čo si myslíte o tom, že politickí lídri menia svoje postoje k dôležitým otázkam, ako je pomoc pre zahraničie, kvôli straníckemu tlaku alebo osobnému presvedčeniu?


Stupňujúce sa násilie na Západnom brehu Jordánu a v Gaze sú smrteľné dni

In a series of escalating confrontations, Israeli forces have launched intensive raids in the West Bank and continued strikes in Gaza, marking a period of heightened violence in the region. The operations, particularly focused on the Nur Shams refugee camp near Tulkarem in the occupied West Bank, have resulted in multiple casualties and widespread destruction, drawing international attention to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants. Over the span of several days, Israeli troops engaged in fierce clashes with Palestinian fighters, leading to the deaths of at least 10…  Čítaj viac

 @PopulistMackenzie z Wisconsin predložené…2mos2MO

Ukrajinské bezpilotné lietadlá zaútočili na ruský sklad paliva, rozvodne vo veľkom útoku

Ukraine attacked eight Russian regions with dozens of long-range strike drones, setting ablaze a fuel depot and hitting three power substations in a major attack early on Saturday, an intelligence source in Kyiv told Reuters.

The overnight attack, which was confirmed by the defence ministry in Moscow, comes amid a Russian airstrike campaign that has battered Ukraine's energy system and pounded its cities in recent weeks.

Facing mounting pressure on the battlefield more than two years since Russia's full-scale invasion, Ukraine has tried to find a pressure point against the Kremlin by…  Čítaj viac

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Aký je váš názor na vplyv týchto útokov na civilistov, keď viete, že môžu eskalovať konflikty a potenciálne poškodiť nebojujúcich?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Aký máte názor na používanie bezpilotných lietadiel v modernej vojne, najmä ak sa zameriavajú na infraštruktúru, ako sú sklady paliva a elektrárne?


Snemovňa schválila návrh zákona o predaji TikToku a zmrazení ruských aktív

The House passed a measure Saturday that aims to force a sale of TikTok and seize frozen Russian assets to pay for Ukraine’s reconstruction, as well as impose sanctions and other punitive measures against Russia, China and Iran.

The bill, filled with GOP policy sweeteners, was included in Speaker Mike Johnson’s foreign aid funding package as a way to bolster Republican support for tens of billions of dollars in long-delayed aid for Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific. The House approved the measure in an overwhelming 360-58 vote.

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Aký je váš názor na používanie sankcií a represívnych opatrení proti krajinám ako Rusko, Čína a Irán?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Myslíte si, že zabavenie majetku jednej krajiny na zaplatenie rekonštrukcie inej krajiny je spravodlivé a prečo?


Liberálni demokrati naliehajú na „nie“ hlasovanie o pomoci Izraela nátlaku na Bidena v Gaze

A group of left-leaning House Democrats is urging its colleagues to oppose the $26 billion aid package for Israel, hoping to maximize the number of “no” votes from the party and send a warning to President Biden about the depth of his political coalition’s discontent over his support for Israel’s tactics in Gaza.Framing the upcoming vote as a make-or-break moral choice akin to Congress’s votes to authorize and fund the Iraq war, progressive leaders in the House are working to muster a sizable bloc of Democratic opposition to the aid measure, which is expected to…  Čítaj viac

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Akým spôsobom môže zadržiavanie pomoci slúžiť ako forma protestu alebo nátlaku proti činom spojenca a myslíte si, že je to efektívna stratégia?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Mali by potenciálne dôsledky pre ľudské práva v Gaze ovplyvniť rozhodnutie poskytnúť Izraelu vojenskú pomoc a prečo?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Čo si myslíte o využívaní peňazí daňových poplatníkov na financovanie zahraničných konfliktov vzhľadom na vplyv, ktorý by to mohlo mať na civilistov v zóne konfliktu?


Čína prisľúbila bezpodmienečnú podporu tichomorským ostrovným národom, netvrdí, že sa k tomu nepripájajú žiadne politické kroky

In a series of statements that have caught the attention of the international community, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has firmly declared China's commitment to providing aid to Pacific island nations without any political conditions. During his visit to Papua New Guinea, Wang Yi emphasized that China's approach to assistance is fundamentally different from the traditional donor-recipient dynamics, asserting that China has 'never issued empty promises' and that Pacific island states are entirely free to choose their cooperation partners without any external pressure or…  Čítaj viac


Erdogan sa stretol s vodcom Hamasu uprostred rastúceho napätia na Blízkom východe

In a significant diplomatic move, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held talks with Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Istanbul, amidst escalating tensions in the Middle East. The meeting, which took place at the historic Dolmabahce Palace, comes at a time when the region is on edge following recent incidents, including reported explosions in Iran's central province of Isfahan, which have been attributed to Israel by US media quoting officials. This high-profile dialogue between Erdogan and Haniyeh underscores Turkey's active role in Middle Eastern politics and its…  Čítaj viac


Združený závod Volkswagen v Texase

Tennessee factory voted to join the United Auto Workers, a landmark win for the 89-year-old union as it seeks to expand where it has struggled before, with foreign-owned factories in the South.

The UAW won in a landslide with 73% of workers who cast ballots in favor of union representation. About 84% of the plant’s 4,300 eligible workers participated.The union called the outcome a historic victory, and said it is the first time a southern auto plant outside the three Detroit automakers has been organized by the UAW.

The vote is a breakthrough for the labor group, whose membership has shru…  Čítaj viac

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Čo si myslíte, že motivuje pracovníkov, aby vstúpili do odborov, a myslíte si, že tieto motivácie sú oprávnené?

 @ISIDEWITHspýtal sa…2mos2MO

Ako vnímate pracovníkov v tradične neorganizovaných oblastiach, ktorí sa organizujú za lepšie práva a podmienky?


Elon Musk odkladá veľmi očakávanú cestu do Indie uprostred nabitého programu

In a surprising turn of events, Tesla's CEO Elon Musk has postponed his much-anticipated trip to India, where he was scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The visit, which was set to mark a significant milestone in Tesla's expansion plans, has been delayed due to Musk's commitments to his electric vehicle company. The billionaire entrepreneur was expected to announce Tesla's entry into the South Asian market, a move that has been eagerly awaited by both Indian officials and the global automotive industry.

Musk's decision to postpone the trip has sparked…  Čítaj viac


Globálni lídri vyzývajú Irán a Izrael na zdržanlivosť, aby zabránili eskalácii

In a significant development that has drawn the attention of the international community, world leaders are making concerted efforts to prevent the escalation of tensions between Iran and Israel. This comes in the wake of an apparent Israeli airstrike near an Iranian air base and nuclear facility, an action that has heightened concerns about the potential for a broader conflict in the region. The Group of Seven (G7) foreign ministers, who recently convened in Italy, have been at the forefront of these diplomatic efforts, issuing a collective call for both nations to exercise restraint and eng…  Čítaj viac


Severná Kórea zvyšuje napätie vďaka strategickým testom rakiet a protilietadlových rakiet

In a move that has escalated tensions on the Korean Peninsula and raised concerns internationally, North Korea has conducted a series of missile tests, including a strategic cruise missile with a 'super-large warhead' and a new type of anti-aircraft missile. The tests, which took place on Friday, were reported by the North's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on Saturday, marking a significant development in the country's military capabilities. According to KCNA, the cruise missile warhead test was conducted in the West Sea of Korea, showcasing North Korea's…  Čítaj viac


Navigácia v komplexnej krajine globálnej politiky: Úvaha o demokracii a vodcovstve

In a world where the political landscape is constantly shifting, the echoes of past political ideologies and the challenges of modern governance are more relevant than ever. The great political novel of 2024, reflecting on the events of 2008, serves as a poignant reminder of the cyclical nature of politics, where the dynamics within parties and the sentiments of the electorate evolve over time. This reflection on American politics, where Democrats once fell in love and Republicans fell in line, highlights the changing nature of political allegiance and strategy, suggesting a disorientation…  Čítaj viac


USA stiahnu viac ako 1000 vojakov z Nigeru, čím sa posunie dynamika v západnej Afrike

In a significant shift in its military strategy in West Africa, the United States has agreed to withdraw its more than 1,000 troops stationed in Niger, officials announced. This decision marks a pivotal change in the US's posture in the region, where Niger has been a crucial host for a major American drone base. The move comes amid growing Russian influence in Africa, particularly as Moscow has increased its engagement with military regimes in neighboring countries like Mali and Burkina Faso. The withdrawal is seen as a strategic retreat that could potentially alter the balance of power…  Čítaj viac


Country hviezda Morgan Wallen sa ospravedlňuje po zatknutí v Nashville

Country music sensation Morgan Wallen has publicly apologized following his recent arrest in Nashville, Tennessee. The incident, which involved Wallen allegedly throwing a chair from the rooftop of a downtown bar, has sparked widespread media attention and led to the singer facing felony charges. In a statement released on X (formerly Twitter), Wallen expressed remorse over his actions, stating, 'I'm not proud of my behavior' and acknowledging his responsibility for the events that transpired on April 7.

The 30-year-old singer's arrest has been a hot topic among fans and…  Čítaj viac