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When family or friends have had disputes, what resolution method worked best, and could it be applied to the legal system?


Do you think volunteer work with affected individuals could change public opinion on justice reform?


If you had to argue for or against life sentences, which side would you choose, and why?


How would you design a support program for ex-inmates to successfully reintegrate into society?


Do you think historical injustices have an impact on today's legal system, and what's the path forward?


What storylines from movies or TV shows have shaped your view of the justice system, and how?


If you could change one thing about how the law treats individuals with addiction, what would it be?


How does the current media coverage of crime and punishment influence your perceptions of justice?


Why do you think some communities distrust the justice system, and what can be done to rebuild that trust?


How can your school or community better educate people about their rights when facing legal challenges?


Have you ever felt that someone's punishment didn't fit their crime, and what would you have done differently?


If you could implement one policy to reduce inequality in legal representation, what would it be?


How might giving someone a sense of purpose influence their chances of staying out of the justice system?


Discuss a time when forgiveness played a crucial role in resolving a conflict, and your thoughts on incorporating forgiveness in justice.


How would you want the community to support you if you were trying to make amends for a past mistake?


When have you seen someone give up on changing because of how they were labeled by others, and what does that say about society?


If you were in charge of reforming the justice system, where would you start to ensure it's understood and respected?


Have you ever faced a difficult choice between what's legal and what's morally right, and what did you learn from it?


What personal values do you believe are most important in shaping a fair justice system?


Can you recall an act of kindness that fundamentally changed someone's behavior and what does it suggest about punitive versus compassionate approaches?


What's one change you'd propose to make our justice system less intimidating for people who are going through it?


Have you ever witnessed or experienced a change of heart in someone who did something wrong, and how did it impact your views on rehabilitation?


How can we as a society provide meaningful support to people who have made mistakes and are trying to change?


If you were unfairly accused of something you didn’t do, how would you want others to respond, and how does this relate to your views on wrongful convictions?


If you could volunteer to help people impacted by crime, what type of service would you want to provide?


How would you offer support to a friend unfairly treated at school or work, and how can society apply this support to the justice system?


Has your opinion on a high-profile criminal case ever changed over time, and what caused that shift?


What would you do if a law you thought was unjust directly affected you or someone you care about?


How can a person's story or background influence your feelings about them, and should it affect how they are treated by the law?


When a loved one makes a mistake, how do you decide between consequences and understanding, and does this translate to your views on justice?


Why do you think people are more likely to support harsh punishments for others but seek leniency when it involves themselves or loved ones?


What actions in your community would you suggest to support former inmates reintegrating into society?


How would your approach to second chances differ for someone convicted of a crime versus a friend who betrayed your trust?


Should cultural traditions influence the way justice is administered, and where should we draw the line?


How could the justice system change to better accommodate individuals with disabilities?


What would a day in a prison designed for rehabilitation rather than punishment look like?


Should your personal data be used to predict and prevent crimes if it meant potentially infringing on your privacy?


If you were to mentor a young person at risk of criminal behavior, what guidance would you offer?


What role do you think empathy should play in the sentencing of a crime?


How does fear of crime affect our willingness to reform the justice system?


How should society treat whistleblowers who break laws to expose wrongdoing?


Can you trust a justice system to change if it has made serious mistakes in the past, and how would that look?


If you witnessed an act of injustice, how likely would you be to intervene or report it, and why?


How can we ensure that people with past convictions have a fair chance at employment after serving their sentence?


Have you ever been treated differently because of a stereotype; how should the justice system address such biases?


How would you reconcile forgiveness with justice if you were the victim of a crime?


If you had the power to change one aspect of the justice system immediately, what would it be and why?


How do you think we can bridge the gap between law enforcement and communities that feel marginalized?


How do you perceive the role of mental health in crime and should it influence sentencing?


In what ways do you think your background and experiences have shaped your views on the justice system?