Here are your answers compared to this voter’s answers.
Social › Abortion
K>K Personal answerPro-choice |
Social › LGBT Adoption Rights
K>K Personal answerYes |
Social › Gay Marriage
K>K Personal answerYes |
Foreign Policy › Mandatory Military Service
K>K Personal answerNo |
Transportation › Public Transportation
K>K Personal answerYes, and provide more free public transportation |
Domestic Policy › Flag Burning
K>K Personal answerNo, it’s just a piece of cloth that doesn’t represent what it should |
Science › Mandatory Vaccinations
K>K Personal answerYes, but only for deadly contagious diseases |
Domestic Policy › Armed Teachers
K>K Personal answerNo |
Immigration › Muslim Immigrant Ban
K>K Personal answerNo, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional |
the Economy › Taxes
K>K Personal answerYes |
Foreign Policy › Military Spending
K>K Personal answerDecrease |
the Environment › Plastic Product Ban
K>K Personal answerYes |
Elections › Right of Foreigners to Vote
K>K Personal answerYes, anyone who pays taxes should have the right to vote |
the Economy › Minimum Wage
K>K Personal answerYes, and make it a living wage |
Healthcare › Single-Payer Healthcare
K>K Personal answerYes, private companies should not be able to profit off of healthcare |
Science › Nuclear Energy
K>K Personal answerYes, temporarily while we increase investment into cleaner renewable alternatives |
the Economy › Labor Unions
K>K Personal answerHelp, but ban their ability to make political donations |
Elections › Candidate Transparency
K>K Personal answerYes |
Domestic Policy › Drug Policy
K>K Personal answerYes |
the Economy › Corporate Tax
K>K Personal answerRaise |
Crime › Criminal Voting Rights
K>K Personal answerYes |
Crime › Prison Overcrowding
K>K Personal answerDecreasing the privatization of the prison system would reduce and prevent overcrowding. We should keep prisons public and focused on reform and reentry to society, along with re-evaluating the merit of prison sentences for victimless crimes, drug possession, etc. |
the Economy › Universal Basic Income
K>K Personal answerYes |
Social › Transgender Athletes
K>K Personal answerYes |
Crime › Defunding the Police
K>K Personal answerYes, replace police with unarmed community based responders for non-violent calls |
Immigration › Immigrant Assimilation
K>K Personal answerNo |
Healthcare › Safe Haven
K>K Personal answerYes, drug abuse should be treated as a health issue, not a criminal issue |
the Economy › Welfare Drug Testing
K>K Personal answerNo |
the Environment › Fracking
K>K Personal answerNo |
Healthcare › World Health Organization
K>K Personal answerYes |
Here is how you compare to this voter on popular political themes.
Based on 4 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 3 questions that are ranked somewhat important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked less important to you.
Based on 3 questions that are ranked less important to you.
Based on 3 questions that are ranked less important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked less important to you.
Based on 2 questions that are ranked less important to you.
Based on 6 questions that are ranked less important to you.
Based on 1 question that is ranked less important to you.
Here is how you compare to this voter on the traditional ideological axis.
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